Corona For Athletes 101

There is no denying that these are some bizarre times we live in. This pandemic has caught everyone off guard and it is our responsibility to take it seriously to maintain our own health and avoid spreading it. As a fellow athlete, coach, and human I would like to share some simple guidelines to help flatten the curve and maintain health and happiness.

Rule #1- CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS: WASH YOUR HANDS. Do it before you eat, after you eat, after touching any suspect surface, flying, pretty much everything. Do it for 20 seconds, fronts and backs of hands, wrists, and fingernails. Use disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizers, etc to wipe down any suspect surfaces you may come into contact with.

Rule #2- BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM: Here’s my protocol: HYDRATE! Drink plenty of water throughout the day (80-100oz), take Vit C a few times a day and first thing in the am (1000 mg). Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks/day, and coffee/caffeine to 1-2 cups/day. I recommend these immune boosters, especially if feeling signs of immune weakness:

Wellness Formula (Tablets)

Kick Ass Immune (Tincture)

Rule #3- GET GOOD SLEEP- 8-10 hours/night (at least- more if you’re feeling on the edge). Practice good sleep habits (limit screen time an hour before bed, put phone on airplane mode, dim screen, read, do yoga, drink tea, wind down).

Rule #4- RELAX- Stress and anxiety can lead to sickness, poor sleep, and unease. Meditate, practice yoga, do things that bring you joy, hang out with friends, LAUGH, don’t take life too seriously.

Rule #5- EAT HEALTHY AND CLEAN- Avoid fast food, sugar, fried foods, chips, crackers, etc. Eat foods filled with quality nutrition, vitamins and minerals. ORGANIC VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MEATS, EGGS. Lots of leafy greens.

Rule #6- GO OUTSIDE AND EXERCISE- Get fresh air, be one with nature, continue your structured training, avoid large crowds, connect to source energy, ski, hike, run, and ride your bike! Have fun!

Rule #7- AVOID CROWDS- Limit traveling, time in airports, buses, trains, malls, movie theaters, gyms, restaurants. Surround yourself with healthy people and stay away from high-risk areas.

Rule #8- STAY POSITIVE- Embrace this time and accept it for what it is. A time to reconnect with family and friends. Since races and events are being cancelled, check some of those big rides off your list you’ve been wanting to do. A positive mental outlook is proven to reduce stress and enhance sleep and recovery.

Thanks for reading. Stay safe and healthy!


Nick Gould